Effective Rice Production
As a staple food consumed by nearly half the world’s population, rice is a lifeline for farmers and stakeholders. Research and innovations in recent decades have helped make rice production more efficient, leading to:
- Improved yields
- Rice plant protection against common stresses
- Increased farmer incomes
Growing challenges
There are worldwide challenges that can impact our ability to meet global rice demand:
- Shortage of labour
- Unpredictable water patterns
- Lack of suitable technology
- Shrinking land

Our main challenge is how we establish this rice production system in as many areas as possible to improve overall productivity and income for farmers who depend on the system for their livelihood.
Eufemio Rasco, Executive Director, PhilRice (Philippine Rice Research Institute)
Arize hybrids - towards sustainable rice production
Our hybrids will drive us towards more sustainable rice production in three ways:
- Reducing reliance on rice imports and enhancing the potential for self-sufficiency
- Becoming more resilient to climatic stresses
- Producing more yields and higher incomes
Cultivating strong partnerships
We partner with governments, local foundations, institutes, and non-governmental organisations and individuals throughout the rice food chain, including:
- International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
- German Cooperation (GIZ)
- Sustainable Rice Platform (UNEP-SRP)
- And many other local country organisations and partnerships
We work together to tackle the challenges of rice production and find solutions that are both innovative and sustainable.